This is Emily Carter speaking.  Bob’s trusty side-kick, traveling companion, dog-walker, breakfast maker, button-sewer-on-person, friend and office mate.  Ask Bob….I have an opinion about MOST things on this planet.  MOST things of which I am opinionated are minor:  Heinz Ketchup….the only ketchup in the universe.  Coffee or Tea…I confess…I am a tea drinker.  Butter or margarine…BUTTER ALL THE WAY! 

When it comes to humanity, it is pretty clear to me what matters.  It isn’t gray, or “iffy” or maybe.  It isn’t “for” or “against”.  It isn’t religious dogma.

Our law practice helps many different kinds of humans.  The easy labels:  Black, White, Native American, Asian.  Men and Women and young people.  Christians. Buddhists. Atheists.  And many of these humans are: rich, poor, working, unemployed, disabled, brilliant, handsome, disfigured, homeless, lawmakers, housewives, physicians, soldiers, mentally challenged, abused, abusers, drug addicts, drunks, bankers, prostitutes, drug traffickers, pilots, oil field drillers,  dog owners, cat lovers, OSU and OU fans. 

We don’t see color.  We don’t see race.  We don’t see social class.  We don’t see these things when we talk to our clients the first time.  We see a human being that needs help.  That made a mistake.  That might have trouble solving it on their own.  Not one of our clients set out as a child to direct their lives into the path of needing a Criminal Defense Attorney.  All, I repeat, ALL clients “matter” to us. 

We will help you if you are an OSU fan that got a DUI on the way home from Bedlam or an OU fan that was smoking a “little” celebratory weed in the dorm parking lot.  We will help you if you are a PTSD veteran who self-medicates with something stronger.  We will help you if you are a housewife who gets caught stealing mascara from Target.  We will help you if your adult child is caught in an inappropriate relationship with a minor. We will help you if you live in California and got caught driving down I-40 with your buddy (“hey, go with me to visit my friend in Chicago”) whose rental car has 35 pounds of drugs in the trunk.

YOU matter.  Call us and let us listen to the biggest story of your life.  We can help.

(405) 236-1800… and remember “Don’t Say Nuthin’ Without Your Attorney”
